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Buzz Aldrin taken by Neil Armstrong (NASA)
Picture of Buzz Aldrin taken by Neil Armstrong (NASA)

Very cool photo collection on The Big Picture celebrating the upcoming 40th anniversary of first human travel to the moon, with NASA mission Apollo XI.

As a note, astronauts used Hasselblad 500 ELs cameras specially prepared, with custom-made film backs holding a special 70 mm Kodak film. 160 colour or 200 black/white images could be shot without having to change films.

More technical information and images on Apollo mission’s Hasselblads on this page.


  1. ?
    8:58 am on July 19th, 2009

    Je viens de tomber sur ton blog par hasard;
    Cimer pour le lien banban ! :)

  2. Pas de problême, mais qui es tu ? 😛

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