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Vincent Laforet and Vimeo have recently released three nice videos showing how work focal length, aperture and DoF (Depth of Field). Recommended for the neophyte.

Or why it is still relevent to hold onto your old film camera : it makes you look trendy, and it is less depreciating than Digital. Not to mention that while using a film camera, most amateur photographers will learn how to take better pictures.

Click this link if you want to discover, remember or maybe even comment “Famous, infamous and iconic photos”

As a VFX artist I’m really feeling touched by the following statement made on the VES website. This is a really big statement, and it shows that it may be time for things to change a bit in this industry.

I went to see Alpines play at the Bull&Gate in Kentish Town tonight. Stunning performance.

Drive by Alpines

The Wolf by Fever Ray

My first photo walk in London. We strolled down Regent Street and Oxford Street, which were closed to all vehicles to let people enjoy their shopping as Christmas time was coming shortly after. Shot with the Mamiya 645 AFD and a bunch of Fuji film rolls (Pro 400H and Pro 800Z).