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Night-time pictures taken during the Summer Festival in Gothenburg. Mamiya with Kodak TMAX 400 ASA pushed to 3200 ASA.

Pictures taken near Vaxholm.

Images taken in Uppsala.

People shooting with films out there will be thrilled to know that Epson has announced a new Perfection v600 flatbed scanner. This is an upgrade from the previous model, featuring improvements in terms of energy-efficiency.

More details and all the technical stuff can be found in this article on Photography Bay.

Photolegal have announced the second season of their podcast, starting in September. The main focus is obviously legal issues and police harassment against photographers in the UK, but it is also completed with other photography-related topics.

The first season can be found on iTunes podcasts, in Audio Podcasts -> Visual Arts.


The Impossible Project gathers former employees of Polaroid’s Dutch factory and passionate investers trying to revive the Polaroid film production. In the meantime, Polaroid owners have to hunt for remaining films in stock, as for instance at Stanley in Central London, where they have about 400 boxes for the Polaroid 600 available for  £28.

Via BBC News

David duChemin has posted a very good article about working out exposure and metering in digital photography. Very valuable informations and great tips given. Go read it.

Random stuff breaking through my RSS feeds.

©Romain Laurent

©Romain Laurent

  • Misty Isle is a serie of pictures taken in Scotland.

©tinyevilhog on flickr

©tinyevilhog on flickr

Via DesignYouTrust

Canonrumor gives hypothetical specs which have leaked of the upcoming 1D mkIV. Should be announced beginning of September by Canon.